Top 10 keyword research tools in 2023

Top 10 keyword research tools

In the world of the ever-evolving landscape of digital marketing, there is a need to stay ahead of the competition, which can be done by a strategic approach. Effective keyword research is one of the cornerstones of such a strategy. Keywords work like a bridge between your target audience and content.

You should know the importance of keyword research and make sure to effectively utilize the right tools. With this, you can easily elevate digital marketing efforts to a new height in this competitive online landscape. To make it easier for you, we have come up with a list of free keyword research tools.

What is a keyword research tool?

A keyword research tool is a kind of digital software or application that is designed to help digital marketers, content marketers, and website owners. They can easily identify and analyze effective and relevant phrases or keywords for their marketing strategies and online content. Such tools utilize data from sources like search engines to provide insights into keyword search volume, trends, competition, and related terms. 

All you’ve to just leverage keyword research tools to make informed decisions about optimizing content for search engines, which keywords to target, etc. As a result, you’ll hit your target audience more effectively and improve your online visibility. In this digital landscape, such tools are vital for content marketing efforts and successful SEO (search engine optimization).

How do keyword research tools work? 

Generally, keyword research tools work by aiding users in identifying relevant phrases and keywords for their online content, like marketing campaigns, blogs, or websites. However, they typically work like: 

1) Input

Users can start by entering a seed topic or keyword related to your content. This will serve as a starting point for your keyword research process.  

2) Data Collection

The tool will start gathering data from several sources, comprising search engines. This will provide insights into how often people are searching for particular keywords and related terms. Also, thigh might collect data on metrics such as keyword competition and trends. 

3) Keyword Suggestions

The tool will generate a list of keyword suggestions based on collected data and seed keywords. Such a suggestion comprises long-tail keywords, synonyms, and related terms. 

4) Search Volume

Keyword research tools provide information related to the monthly search volume for every keyword. With this, users can understand how competitive or popular a keyword is. 

5) Competition Analysis

Several tools provide insights into keyword competition, which indicates how difficult it is to rank for a specific keyword in search engine results. Mainly, this can be based on factors such as the number of websites being targeted by the same keyword. 

6) Trend Analysis

Tools might show trends and historical data related to keywords. This will aid you in identifying long-term and seasonal trends that can influence your content strategy.

7) Filtering and Sorting

You can easily sort and filter your keyword suggestions based on criteria such as competition, search volume, and relevance to your content.

8) Content Ideas

Generally, keyword research tools suggest topics and provide content ideas based on the trends and keywords they analyze. This will aid you in creating content that aligns with what your target audience is looking for. 

9) Export and Integration

You can export the keyword data for use in content planning. Even you can integrate it into other platforms and tools of SEO.

Top 10 keyword research tools in 2023 | HorsepowerSEO

How to use keyword research tools?

1) Choose the Right Keyword Research Tool

There are a range of keyword research tools available, both paid and free. You can select one that will suit your budget and needs. Some of the popular options are SEMrush, Google Trends, etc. 

2) Define Your Goals

It’s time to determine your goals for keyword research. Do you want to create blog content, plan a PPC (pay-per-click) advertising campaign, or improve SEO? So, your goals are going to influence the keyword selection.

3) Begin with Seed Keywords

Start with a few seed keywords or topics that are linked to your content or niche. This will serve as a starting point for generating keyword ideas. 

4) Generate Keyword Suggestions

Now, enter your seed keywords into the tool. A list of keyword suggestions will start generating. Keep an eye on the competition, search volume, and relevance metrics. 

5) Refine Keyword List

As a next step, review your keyword suggestions and refine the list. Always focus more on keywords that align with your content. Also, they should have a reasonable balance of competition and search volume. Keep in mind that long-tail keywords can turn out to be valuable ones.

6) Competitor Analysis

You can use the tool for analyzing your competitors. Look for keywords that are ranking and targeting. With this, you’ll get insights into what’s perfectly working in your niche. 

7) Filter and Sort Keywords

Based on criteria like trends, search volume, or competition, there are many tools out there that can sort and filter keywords. You can use such features for prioritizing keywords.

8) Check Trends

It would be better to look for keyword trends for identifying emerging or seasonal topics. This will aid you in planning content for particular times of the year. 

9) Create Content Ideas

According to the selected keywords, you can brainstorm the content ideas. What kind of content can be created around such keywords to offer value to the audience? 

10) Integrate Keywords Strategically

Make sure you naturally incorporate the chosen keywords into your content. This comprises metadata, text, body, headings, and titles. There is no need for keyword stuffing, just focus on providing relevant and high-quality content.

11) Track and Analyze Performance

After the implementation of keywords, you can monitor the performance of your website regularly by using tools such as keyword research tools or Google Analytics. Don’t forget to track how your chosen keywords are driving traffic and ranking.

Keyword research tools for free

1) SEMrush

SEMrush is one of the comprehensive digital marketing and SEO tools. It provides a range of features, such as competitive analysis, site audit, backlink tracking, and keyword research tools for aiding businesses to improve their online presence. 

Key Features: Position tracking, competitive analysis, site audit, keyword research, and backlink analysis. 

2) Google Trends

It is a free tool by Google that mainly shows the trends and popularity of search queries over time. It aids users in understanding the relative interest in particular topics and keywords. 

Key Features: Regional interest, topic exploration, related queries, and trend data. 

3) Google Keyword Planner

This free keyword research tool is introduced by Google Ads. It aids advertisers in finding relevant keywords for their services or products. It can estimate the competition and search volume for those keywords. 

Key Features: Historical data, bid estimates for advertising, search volume data, keyword suggestions, and competition level.

4) Ubersuggest

Ubersuggest is a content marketing and SEO tool that offers domain analysis, content ideas, and keyword research. It aims to simplify SEO tasks to help your business to improve your online visibility.

Key Features: Domain analysis, site audit, keyword research, and content suggestions.

5) Bing Webmaster Tools

Microsoft offered this free service tool for website owners and marketers. Generally, it offers insights into how Bing’s search engine indexes and crawls your website. Also, provide site performance, issues to improve SEO, and offer data on search queries.

Key Features: Keyword performance, site health reports, backlink analysis, and indexing and crawl data. 


This keyword research tool provides keyword suggestions from several search engines and platforms, including Bing, YouTube, Google, and more. It will aid you in discovering long-tail keywords and ideas.

Key Features: Competitor analysis, long-tail keyword ideas, keyword suggestions, and search volume data. 

7) Google Search Console

Among the free web services, Google Search Console is one of them which is offered by Google. With this, website owners can manage and monitor their presence on-site in Google Search results. It provides valuable insights into indexation, and issues affecting the visibility of websites and search traffic. 

Key Features: URL inspection, mobile usability, indexing status, search queries, and performance reports. 

8) LSI Graph

LSI is a tool that focuses on LSI (Latent Semantic Indexing) keywords. It aids users in finding semantically related keywords for enhancing their relevance and SEO of content.

Key Features: Content optimization, semantic keyword insights, and LSI keyword suggestions.

9) Spyfu

This competitive research tool will allow you to analyze the online marketing strategies of competitors, comprising backlinks, ad campaigns, and keywords. It will aid you in making data-driven decisions. 

Key Features: Backlink research, ad history, competitor analysis, and keyword tracking.

10) Answer the Public

This keyword research tool can generate content ideas just by visualizing search queries like related phrases, prepositions, and questions. It will aid you in understanding what questions are being asked by people on a specific topic. 

Key Features: Question-based insights, content idea generation, and visualized keyword data.


According to your specific requirements and goals, you can select the top 10 keyword research tools that are best for your needs. Such kind of tools can streamline the process related to optimizing content for search engines and identifying valuable keywords. As a result, your business and website will improve their online visibility and hit the target audience more effectively. 




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